Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I checked on the values of my various IRA and 401K plans. It appears I am a victim of the Wall Street mess to the tune of a near six figure loss. My question is, who got my money? I sure would like to have it back. The government chose to bail out the big banks using the rational they are too large to fail. What about guys like me who are too small to survive?

Some politicians are tossing around the idea of letting us little guys withdraw up to $10K from our IRA/401K's without a penalty to cover mortgages and other financial losses. The trick here is they failed to mention you still have to pay taxes on the withdrawal. On the average, the government will get $2800 of my $10,000. I guess they will use that to cover the 700 billion dollar loan to keep the wealthy bankers from loosing any of the their money. Thanks again, pal.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Financial Mess

I ran across this while reading the Washington Post this morning. It was in the comment section of an article describing how Bush has lost the respect of the American people. The commentor did not give his name, but I thought it summed up how I feel about Bush and Congress.
Bush the Criminal President said:
"I recognize this is a difficult vote for members of Congress. Many of them don't like the fact that our economy has reached this point, and I understand that. But the reality is that we are in an urgent situation, and the consequences will grow worse each day if we do not act."

"I know you Republicans who have supported every criminal action I asked you to support will probably be voted out of office in a few weeks. I know that you are upset because you were not able to grab as much cash for yourselves as we were able to push through to our corporate supporters and war profiteers. But the reality is that we have gone as far a we can in keeping this financial house of cards afloat on the taxpayers back and we are in an urgent situation. The consequences of inaction will be that our good old boy supporters on Wall Street who are starting to see their multi-million dollar bonus dry up before the year end need our help. Otherwise there will be no more cash filled envelopes or behind the scene political action committees, which will result in our inability to buy elections. This will grow worse each day if we do not act and commit to cover the billion dollar life styles of our rich friends. They have lived well off the savings of the little people (aka American Tax Payers) which is our administration's way of life, but it seems like the little people want some of their money back, and those kooks overseas who brought up all those bad loans that their companies bundled and sold as "High Paying Investments", (He-He-He that was so unbelievable) now want some of their money back. Our friends on Wall Street certainly don't want to dig into their own pockets to try and fix the mess they made while taking millions out of their own companies. They certainly don't want to give anything back. They want to skate with the billions they got while the pickings were good, and leave us holding the empty bags! We can not allow this to happen. It will mean no last minute campaign slush funds just 6 weeks before the election which we will probably loose. So we must act now while we still have the power to keep using tax payer's money to support and protect our self interests. We've already hocked them into debt that their grandchildren will still be trying to pay off. Let's take one more bite of the pie and hock their great-great-grand children, but we must act now before they find out what we are really doing! So, keep doing what you do best. Don't ask questions. Dont read the fine print. Just rubber stamp my proclamation and let me get on with our Conservative agenda. (He-He-He!)"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

OWO MIA no more!

I apologize to readers. Two hurricanes, a business trip and a operations review at work totally consumed the month of September for me. Now that all this is behind me, I hope to get back to regular posting.