Saturday, August 22, 2009

Attention Book Lovers - Save Money and Go Green!

One of my favorite hobbies is reading, though I am really backed up on wish list books right now. I am finding it is hard to juggle hobbies of gardening, reading, watching movies and blogging. Anyone who has daily access to me will see that all four are suffering. Anyway, I have found book reading to be an expensive hobby. I find paperback editions difficult to read, so I have to purchase the more expensive hardcover editions. At $18 to $30 a copy, they can get very expensive. I have found that by searching online bookstores such as,, and, I can find the same books in the used book section for less than $5 and often with free shipping. The last two books I received were more durable former library copies (plastic cover and thicker pages) and were $1 and $3 dollars each with free shipping. The only disadvantage I have found is the shipping may take longer. With today's economic and environmental problems, I am choosing to save the money, save a tree and recycle at the same time. Go Green!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where's Bobby?

Last week I was behind a car with a bumper sticker that asked "Where's Bobby?" Since it also displayed an Obama bumper sticker, I am pretty sure he was referring to Louisiana's own boy wonder, Bobby Jindal, AKA "absentee governor" and presidential candidate. OWO can answer the question for you. Jindal is doing what he has done at all of his other jobs - looking for another J-O-B. For you ultra right winger Bobby lovers who don't believe me, just check out his resume' on Wikipedia. Piyush "Bobby" Jindal has never kept a job for more than a couple years. Since being "found" by former Governor Mike Fostor in 1996 (just a couple years out of college), Piyush has been, head of Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospitals, a national commission on Medicare, President of the Louisiana University System, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (federal), failed Louisiana gubernatorial candidate (I voted for him and still think he was the best choice) in 2003, US Congressman and now Louisiana Governor. True to form, Piyush now appears to be setting himself up for a run at US President. While he was US Congressman, he missed a number of votes because he was making "fact finding" appearances (or many would say fund raising for governor) in other Louisiana Congressional Districts. Now after a successful gubernatorial election, Piyush is making fund raising appearances in right wing areas of the country. Sounds like he is working towards his next J-O-B to me.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

HEROES or ERRANTS? Just setting the record straight

OK I just have to get this off my chest. I have been dumbfounded by the recent rush to proclaim someone a hero only to find the facts of the incident indicate they screwed up. Have Americans become so desperate to have heroes in their lives that they rush to conclusions? Is the word HERO an easy headline for the media, or is it just a good "buzz" word for a politician to use in front of cameras?

Cases in point:

The Stolen Ship Incident: Last week Capt. Richard Phillips was hailed a hero after being rescued by the United States Navy. Hmmmm, lets see if I understand this. Phillips was sailing his gazillion foot freighter over the high seas off the coast of Somalia. Four 16 year old kids in a skiff managed to capture the ship and take the captain hostage. How did he let that happen? It seems to me the real heroes are men and women of the US Navy who "executed" his release.

Hero or Goose Killer: We all remember the miracle landing in Hudson River by Capt. "Sully" after he flew his Airbus jet into a flock of geese causing both engines to fail and forcing the plane to land in the Hudson River. I am pretty sure airline pilots are told it is not wise to do either of those events. Nevertheless, after having a couple 10 pound geese take control of his multimillion dollar aircraft, Capt. Sully was heralded a hero. I believe the real heroes are the flight attendants and ferry boat crews whose swift actions assisted in the rescue of the passengers from the cold water.

Lost Soldier: During the early days of our immoral invasion of Iraq we all gasped at the news that one of our female soldiers had been captured after fierce gun battle. Before we really knew what happened, the Whitehouse had erroneously described her fierce battle against the enemy and led to speculation she was being tortured and raped. It turns out her supply unit was lost after her company commander did not follow directions. They wandered into an enemy strong point the rest of the Army was trying to avoid. Jessica never fired a shot form her weapon. Fortunately, after the battle some decent Iraqi citizens took Jessica Lynch to a hospital where she was treated until rescued by special forces. We now know the special forces were not needed as the doctors were seeking her safe return. I would call the citizens and doctors who gave her safe care the real heroes of this unfortunate event.