Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where's Bobby?

Last week I was behind a car with a bumper sticker that asked "Where's Bobby?" Since it also displayed an Obama bumper sticker, I am pretty sure he was referring to Louisiana's own boy wonder, Bobby Jindal, AKA "absentee governor" and presidential candidate. OWO can answer the question for you. Jindal is doing what he has done at all of his other jobs - looking for another J-O-B. For you ultra right winger Bobby lovers who don't believe me, just check out his resume' on Wikipedia. Piyush "Bobby" Jindal has never kept a job for more than a couple years. Since being "found" by former Governor Mike Fostor in 1996 (just a couple years out of college), Piyush has been, head of Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospitals, a national commission on Medicare, President of the Louisiana University System, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (federal), failed Louisiana gubernatorial candidate (I voted for him and still think he was the best choice) in 2003, US Congressman and now Louisiana Governor. True to form, Piyush now appears to be setting himself up for a run at US President. While he was US Congressman, he missed a number of votes because he was making "fact finding" appearances (or many would say fund raising for governor) in other Louisiana Congressional Districts. Now after a successful gubernatorial election, Piyush is making fund raising appearances in right wing areas of the country. Sounds like he is working towards his next J-O-B to me.

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