Monday, June 23, 2008

Did Walmart Violate My Rights?

Last night, I was once again hassled by a Walmart cashier. Anyone that knows OWO is aware I like my wine. OK, times are getting tough with rising gas and food prices so I had to stoop to buying my wine at Walmart. I am not yet down to Sam's Choice wine, but close. It was a couple bottles of that Yellow Kangaroo Wine. Anyway, I was checking out my wine and other groceries when the girl held up the wine and said, "can I see your ID?" I looked at her with that WTF(?) look and said, "I am more than double 21 and you know it." The last two cashiers that tried that lost the argument when I refused to show my ID. They settled on taking a chance the OWO really was pushing 50 than restocking my buggy of groceries. Well, I must have felt sorry for the cashier last night because I cut her some slack when she said she was new and her supervisor told her she would be fired if she did not card everyone under forty. Maybe it was the fact that she was hot, at least on Walmart standards and she told me, "I was handsome and carried my age well."

Why do I have to prove I am obeying the law when I buy liquor at Walmart? Is this not a violation of my rights? I struggle to understand why Walmart will not allow their employees to display a little common sense. I respect their effort to keep alcohol away from minors, but they should not force someone they know damn well is over 21 to prove they are of age. It is time Americans stop allowing themselves to be force to prove their innocence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You remind me of the customers that complained they hated Rite Aid yet every month they came back for their refills. Why would you keep going back to a place that brings you misery? My suggestion is you should start eating ice cream. No ID required! You are drinking the equivolent (price wise) of at least 3 gallons of Blue Bell per week!