Friday, June 13, 2008

They Are Not Priest!

To quote the Times-Picayune, House Speaker Jim Tucker, R-Algiers said, "this is not the priesthood where you take a vow of poverty" when he defended his request to give himself a 30% pay raise. LINK to article

No they are certainly not Priest. Priest are not greedy hypocritical liars.

It appears our reform minded Louisiana legislators and government have become a little too tempted when they realized their hands were in the cookie jar containing a record surplus. Yep, the voters fell for their campaign BS again. I don't disagree that they are paid too little for the job they do, but they told us they were going to fix our state's problems for $16,800 a year when they asked for the job. This move is akin to agreeing to build a house for $100K, then telling the home owner the price is $400K when it is 3/4 complete because the builder has plans to fix the neighbor hood up. Yet the trailer park, landfill and titty bar are still next door.

OWO's message to the legislators and governor is fix state first then let's talk money. If you really want to do the right thing, grant a respectful raise to take effect when your term is up. In it's present form, you just gave yourself a higher salary than a teacher - who I imagine most of you promised a raise during your campaign - and you only work part-time. You were smart enough to put a section in law which allows congress to vote your future raises. In doing so, you fixed it where you don't have to listen to the public outcry on this issue again.

I encourage all of you to contact your Senator and Representative and track their voting record here.

Legislators Salaries around the US

Best Regards,

Old Wise One

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