Sunday, June 15, 2008

Politicizing Communion

Several months ago Douglas Kmiec, a Republican and former Dean of Catholic University Law School was denied communion because he endorsed Barack Obama. It was reported that Kmiec has been a longtime supporter of the Catholic Church's position on abortion and supports the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

LINK to article

I wonder how this Priest can give Communion to a Bush or McCain supporter given the deaths associated with the unnecessary war in Iraq or their stands on torture and destruction of our Civil Rights.

It is unfortunate that this priest insists upon holding Communion hostage to partisan politics. I am certain that most voters do not vote for Democratic solely for the purpose of supporting abortion. OWO is greatly concerned by the fact that the Catholic Church would use something as sacred as Communion as a political weapon. I would hope that I could support a candidate who fills the majority of my beliefs then plead for him to reconsider those issues we differ on.

OWO remains a strong supporter of the separation of church and state.

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