Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Answer this before you drill in ANWR

If President Bush is really sincere about his statement that drilling for oil will lower gas prices he should send out an olive branch. I know hell would freeze over sooner than W offering a compromise. The olive branch I suggest is to fully disclose all reports regarding Dick "Wild Shot" Cheney's National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG). The group started in the early months of 2001, right after Bush's presidency began. At that time oil was $20 a barrel. NEPDG was made up of world energy executives and producers. We will never know all that was discussed or decided by this group because Wild Shot had the record sealed. The sealing was challenged all the way to Supreme Court. The Supreme Court narrowly ruled in favor of Cheney. Some say the decision was made when Cheney took his pal Justice Scalia on a duck hunting trip at a exclusive oil company lodge in South Louisiana. No one knows exactly why the record needed to be sealed, but I am a little suspicious of the findings especially since the members of the group have done quite well. Oil has risen to $140 a barrel following the adjournment of the group. Well, one key member of the group didn't do to well - that would be former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay. He is really former now. Now are you suspicious of this group? You should be! Go ahead W, let us see what your self serving oil executives came up with during the NEPDG! Give us citizens the answer and drill away.

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