Sunday, August 24, 2008

Antivirus XP 2008, Not Your Friend

Well I guess Tropical Storm Fay saved me from having a REALLY lousy day. I suppose it could have been worse had it been a pretty day. While Fay was dumping buckets of water on us, someone figured I had nothing better to do to than spend the day ridding my computer of a vicious Malware. I did manage to make it to Mass and Walmart. At Mass I learned that the average person commits 7 confessional sins a day. Between my computer problem and the trip to Walmart, I am sure I am way over the average.

It seems that while I was doing "research" a rogue program loaded itself onto my computer. Once it did its thing, it sent me a message that spyware was on my computer and I should click to let Antivirus XP 2008 repair my system - for a fee of course. It also didn't give me any options to decline or close the window. It then hijacked my control panel, hid access to my C drive, bombarded me with popups, and changed my wallpaper to constantly remind me Antivirus XP 2008 could repair my spyware problem. It also removed the tabs that allow the screens wallpaper and background to be changed. If that was not enough my computer slowed to a crawl or nothing at all.

I did a little research. Antivirus XP 2008 is a malware, a bogus antivirus application that mimics Microsoft Windows and other legitimate alerts. It is downloaded automatically by redirecting users internet browser to its predefined website to purchase its licensed software to clean up the mess it just dumped on your computer. If that is not bad enough, it never actually fixes its mess and has a history of repeated billing your credit card. Sounds like extortion to me.

Lets put what just happened in perspective. A rogue pest control company breaks into your house and releases roaches, termites, and rats. He sits back and waits for you to return home. As you arrive home and become stunned by the utter chaos, the pest control villain knocks at your door and announces he just happened to be in area looking for new customers. Just sign a contract and your pest will go away, only they never do really go away despite the money you paid him.

The assholes operating Antivirus XP 2008 have been traced to Singapore and Russia. Complaints have been filed with government agencies, but no action has been taken. (I guess they are too busy reading all of our email.) While billions have been spent converting our society into a police state to prevent another unpreventable attack by a handful of neo-medieval wackos, the problem of spam, spyware, malware and serious computer viruses has gone unchecked. Granted these problems are nothing compared to the mass death caused by terrorist, but I would wager the losses causes by attacks on computers is in the billions. The present administration probably considers those billions as money pumped back into the economy.

I'd like to thank for posting some great free advice on fixing this problem. They recommended this free malware remover which did the trick - I hope.

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