Monday, August 18, 2008

China, Our Friend. Wink! Wink!

For the last two weeks, the world has been watching a Chinese fairy tale. China is a country with a horrible reputation of civil rights, environmental issues, stymieing free speech and censoring communications. It beats the hell out of me how the International Olympic Committee would choose China other than the fact it owns the world.

Because of their use of slave labor and 1960 environmental technology, China has been able give the Western World what it wants. Cheap products. This has allowed China to become one the wealthiest nations in the world. They are more than happy to loan their money to the Western World.

When China was chosen to host the 2008 Olympics, it assured the world it would relax it's tough visa restrictions to ensure that all Olympic fans could attend. However, just weeks before the games began many found their visa request was denied by Chinese officials for unexplained reasons. Press members were promised unrestricted internet access, then at the last minute they were informed all internet use would be censored. Then there is the issue of the Chinese gymnasts teams questionable ages. I am starting to think if a Chinese officials lips are moving, he is lying. But, then what is new?

A few weeks ago I received this warning for international travelers. It is fairly obvious it is aimed at American's going to China for the Olympics.
The U.S. Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX) issued a strongly-worded advisory for travelers warning them to take special precautions when traveling overseas with portable electronic devices. The warning appears to be aimed specifically toward those travelling to China for the Summer Olympics. Security services in China are capable of tracking an individual’s location through mobile phones and PDAs, and activating microphones in devices without a user’s knowledge. Therefore, to limit these activities from happening, users are urged to remove batteries from their devices when they are not being used.

Travelers should not take electronic devices with them unless they are absolutely necessary. They should assume that if the devices are examined by foreign officials or their hotel rooms are searched, the contents of the devices have been copied. Travelers should also change all passwords frequently during their travels and again as soon as they return home. All information sent electronically while in foreign countries can be intercepted.
We as American's should not have to put up with this foolishness. The problem is that China holds a tremendous amount of our debt. If they were to call our debt, our country would collapse overnight. China knows this, our leaders know this, and the world knows this. America is becoming China's whore.

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