Thursday, August 7, 2008

F*&^ing Crotch Rockets

I started writing a blog entry about my peaceful retreat at Manresa, but time prevented me from completing the blog. Today I was minding my own business traveling home on I-12 after a hectic day at the office and doing a couple miles of cardio exercise at the YMCA. I was tuned into Pink Floyd. All of the sudden out of nowhere two idiots on crotch rockets blew past me. From my years of running radar, I am certain they were doing excess of 100 MPH. I never saw them in my rear view, so they really startled me as they blew paste me. The car in front of me of was attempting to change into their lane. By some stroke of luck he saw them and corrected to avoid entering their lane. I am certain if he had not taken evasive action they would have collided and the bikers would probably still by airborne as I type this.

This same thing happened to me a few months ago. About a year ago two of these scofflaws passed me on I-10 doing wheelies in excess of 80 MPH. For the life of me, I can not imagine the need for motorcycle manufacturers to make street legal bikes capable of doing speeds 170 MPH. Someone help me understand this! Especially those who want to ban the ownership of assault rifles. Tell me the difference!

Law Enforcement officers are pretty much helpless in apprehended these bikes. I have proposed an idea. These bikes have on board computers. Why not program them to when the bike exceeds a speed of 80 MPH the fuel pump shuts down for 20 minutes. Call it a time out. The bastard can sit on the side of the road and watch all those law abiding citizens pass by him. On the third time instead of the fuel pump, the oil pump shuts down and the bike is ruined. Call it OWO's version of three strikes and you are out.


Anonymous said...

What is a crotch rocket?

Mike Ginn said...

Thanks for the comment I should have been more specific. Crotch Rockets are commonly called sports bikes. They resemble fancy racing motorcycles.